Rather then having a classic BBQ or picnic, let's elevate your Summertime Dinner Party the PACHÉ way! I think bringing beautiful complimentary colors into the table ensemble always makes a statement! Pair that with a beautiful eye catching centerpiece, lovely table settings, amazing music and delectable food, you party is a sure fire hit with any guests you invite!
Creating an environment for your guests that will be a memorable one, is always key to any dinner party success! My mom and I always like to WOW our guests with not only delicious homemade meals but we love to set a beautiful ambiance as well. Some great dinner ideas that we love don't have to be full of fuss - because at the end of the day YOU want to enjoy your party as well! We have full proof recipes (coming soon) and design tips that will make your evening the best! #PACHÉsoirée #PACHÉinteriorsandevents #summertime #dinnerparties #foodies #rookieblogger #blogger